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Show Article: Custom Fields

The master data defined by us, are not sufficient in the management of rental objects and can hardly represent all possible values. Every owner wants to have its own fields, so there is the function of the object attributes.




When the Required box is checked, the field must be filled out by the user. Otherwise, the entry is optional.

The following field types are available:

  • Yes / No, for example, Music system available?
  • String, for example, Manufacturer name
  • Floating point number, for example, length: 2.00 m
  • Integer such as minimum age in years: 18
  • Text: for a longer string
  • File: A file upload field
  • Selection box: choices can be defined by a list

For example, you can create an additional attribute Bluetooth compatible music system and then set this attribute in the object master. Or even create an attribute that detects a text or numerical input, such as "Number of owners."

You can specifiy the visibility of the field in the Visible on section. Depending on this setting, the field will be displayed in the specificed program section.

  • Create: on creation of the entry
  • Show: in the show / edit view of an entry
  • Public: in the detail view of online booking (remember to set the customer right to "read")
  • List: in the table of entries
  • Duplicate: when duplicating an entry
  • Booker Small Info: in the bar of an object in online booking
  • Booker Filter:  as a filter in the object search
  • Registration: in customer registration
  • Scheduler: in the scheduler popup for a booking
  • Hand-In and Hand-Out: in the form when handing object in and out

You can configure permissions like who is allowed to see the field and who has the write privilege for this field. For internal fields, which can not be seen by agencies and clients, you should use the default setting (permissions: none).


To add options for a select field, the options must be entered as a JSON object in the "Options" field.


  "options": {
    "key1": { "en": "option 1", "de": "Option 1" },
    "key2": { "en": "option 2", "de": "Option 2" }
  • ​​​"options" is the name of the property for the options of the selection field and must not be changed
  • "key1" and "key2" are the program internal representation of the selection. Any unique value can be chosen here. However, this should not be changed later, since the selection would then be reset.
  • "en" and "de" stand for the localized display value of the option. Further languages like "fr", "es" etc. can also be stored.
  • "option 1" etc. is the value that is displayed for this option. It can be changed at any time without affecting the selection.

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