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Show Article: Edit a Transaction

A transaction has many configuration options, among other things, it is also possible to convert an inquiry into a booking, or a blocking into a special offer.

While a transaction is in draft mode, you can edit all the settings which can be made when creating a transaction later in the Edit Transaction mask again. Prices will not automatically load as old prices would be overwritten otherwise. Prices may be recalculated by pressing the button Update Prices.

Every change is also saved when exactly this was done and who performed it. You can see this in the History.

For the settlement there is the Options tab, under which you can set the invoice number and invoice date. You can set a cancellation rate for canceled bookings, which appears as a cancellation fee to a cancellation account.

For a transaction as many files can be uploaded.

The following documents are provided automatically by the rentingforce system:

  • Specifications
  • Offer (each agency / customer)
  • Rental contract
  • Boarding pass
  • Invoice (for each agency / customer)

In addition, files are displayed, which have been previously uploaded to the customer or to the Agency.

Extras, discounts and payments can be processed on the respective tabs. The sum of the positions are calculated automatically.

You can adjust payments in both the payment amount, the payment terms as well as in the payment status.

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