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Show Article: Extras

Extras are additional items or services that are charged to the customer or can be included in a rental transaction. Examples of extras could be:

  • vehicle rental: snow chains, additional tank, insurance, additional kilometers
  • yacht rental: additional outboard engine
  • rental of properties: cleaning, foods, additional insurance

In rentingforce extras can be stored both as standard extras in Pricing => Defaults => Extras or be individually defined in a price catalog. As well as the rental rates, the extra price can differ per object group. However, you can also define a price for All Object Groups, which then automatically applies for all objects in all object groups. Unless otherwise specified, customers can choose all the extras provided here when booking online.

Extras can thereby have different properties. Each Extra has a name which can be specified in different languages. An extra has different prices, which can be set simultaneously. When booking, the system then automatically selects the best rate. You can set the following prices:

  • Price per Booking
  • Basic Price
  • Price per Hour
  • Price per Day
  • Price per Week
  • Price per Month
  • Maximum Price

The system automatically calculates the best rate for an extra. In addition, a tax can be selected.

Important: Please note that there are often different tax rates for different extras. For this reason, you can individually select a tax rate which is applied to this extra.

You can change the global tax rates in Pricing => Defaults => Taxes or per establishment in Master Data => Establishments => Select establishment => Taxes.

For every extra you can specify which method of payment applies. Whether this has to be paid to you or on site. In addition, you can select Extras as inclusive. You can define an extra as obligatory / mandatory. This extra is then automatically selected in the online booking form and can not be removed by the customer. An example of this would be the final cleaning (for a real estate rental or yacht rental).

For every extra, a minimum and maximum amount can be specified. For example, a specific insurance could be selected only once. In this case the definition of Maximium Amount has to be set to 1. Instead of an input field with a number, a check box appears for this extra so that this can only be selected once.

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