rentingforce Help Center

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How to create a fixed deposit

Left menu page: Configuration -> Settings -> Terms of payment -> Create new terms of payment -> Enter name e.g. down payment & balance payment (fixed amount) -> Save and in the box Edit parts go to Action.

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DSGVO / GDPR in rentingforce

Die neue Datenschutzgrundverordnung bringt einige Neuerung, bei denen wir Sie in rentingforce ideal unterstützen.

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How can I create inclusive extras?

With inclusive extras you can, for example, offer inclusive kilometres depending on the rental period.

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How do I enter T&C or lease agreements for online booking?

You can enter the T&C under Stations => Templates.

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How can I enter values for a selection field for custom fields?

At this point, we explain how to create your own selection options for the user-defined fields.

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How can I disable automatic emails?

The sending of automatic emails via rentingforce can be easily disabled, we will show you how.

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How can I integrate Braintree as an online payment method for credit cards?

We will show you how you can enable credit card payments via Braintree (a PayPal service).

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How do I set up as an online payment method?

At this point, we will explain you how you can set up payments for your customers.

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How can I request further data during online booking?

Custom fields allow additional data to be entered for the customer when booking online.

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How can I change the order of the objects in the scheduler?

The order of the objects in the scheduler can be either alphabetical or according to a separate criterion.

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How do automatic emails work?

You can send automatic emails with the right app at specific times before or after booking.

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How to import data?

We show you how to import your data from other tools into rentingforce.

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What are the small color bars in the occupancy plan for?

In the occupany plan, transactions are frequently marked with small color bars on the left, we explain in this article what they stand for.

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How can I send payment reminders automatically?

Often, we receive the request for how to automatically send payment reminders by e-mail. We will tell you how to configure the automatic e-mails correctly.

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How can I set up deposit payments?

rentingforce allows a detailed calculation and administration of deposit payments.

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How can I export my data?

rentingforce supports the export of almost all data in a variety of formats. We explain how this works.

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Why can not I delete an item in a list? The button is missing.

It is not always possible to delete entries directly. This is often because other objects depend on this entry and must be removed or moved first.

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Why are my prices not calculated automatically when I create a booking?

The fact that a price can not be loaded automatically when a transaction is created can have various causes. Read more here.

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How do I set up PayPal payment?

Here we explain how you can easily add PayPal as a payment method for your online booking.

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How can I add a delivery address?

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Why the open items / demands doesn't appear in my transaction?

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How can I activate the online booking for my rental objects?

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How can you adjust commission or privileges at a particular agency?

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How does an agency have access to the occupancy?

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How do I access rentingforce?

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