rentingforce Help Center

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The rental program rentingforce is structured intuitive. After registering you are directly logged into the system and see the navigation bar and additional helpers.

We first want to go into the navigation. The navigation is divided in the following categories and their items:

  • Renting: Booking plan (Occupancy), Transactions, Handover List, Special Prices, Damages and Transaction Conflicts
  • Customers: Customers, Customer Groups, Agencies and Agency Groups
  • Billing: Invoices, Outstanding Items, Payments, Cost Centers, Cost Elements and Cash Books
  • Statistics: Reports, Turnover, Commissions, Establishments and Bases
  • Master Data: Establishments, Bases, Object Categories, Object Groups and Objects
  • Pricing: Default Prices, Seasons, Price Catalogs and Consumption Data
  • Stock: Suppliers, Articles, Warehouses, Stock Rotations and Stocks
  • Website: Pages, Theme, Customize Theme and Domains
  • Configuration: Company Details, Settings, Custom Fields, Templates, Users, Apps, Modules and Logbook

On the upper side the quick access/navigation can be found. The search box allows you to quickly search your customers and agencies as well as transactions, objects and invoice numbers. For that, type in the names or respective numbers (e.g. a transaction number) and the results will show up. The help can be fully searched too.

This help mainly is arranged on the program structure. So if you have a question about the taxes, then type in "tax" into the search field and you will get to the sites establishments and the general tax administration.

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