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Show Article: How can I change the order of the objects in the scheduler?

Under "Settings", you can select whether the objects should be sorted alphabetically by the name of the object or the object group in the "Scheduler Sorting Type" setting. In addition, the sorting direction can be defined using the setting "Scheduler Sorting Direction".

If an alphabetical sorting is not sufficient, a separate criterion can be stored. This can be found in the master data of the objects / object groups under the property "Scheduler Order". To activate this, you must select the "Object Order" property in the "Scheduler Sorting Type". If "Ascending" is selected as the sorting sequence, the objects must be numbered according to the desired order in the "Scheduler Order" field. Gaps can, of course, be left as well. For example, all objects of group A could be given numbers from 100, objects of group B numbers from 200 to have space for changes to the object stock.

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