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Show Article: Setup & Optimize online booking process

Here, we provide you with a series of practical tips to help you make the booking a consistent booking experience and keep the bounce rate as low as possible:

  • Set up Descriptions
    For each rental object, you can enter a short description and a detailed description via the Website tab in the object master. The regular description can also be several paragraphs long and provides the customer a good overview.
  • Create and output custom fields: Properties & Filters
    There are predefined custom fields in rentingforce per rental object. You can also customize these in the configuration and set the permissions accordingly, ie which of the properties the customer sees. You can set these fields in the object group or also in the rental object. If possible, try to store all the relevant properties of a rental object as a user-defined field so that the object characteristics can be displayed to the customer in the booking process. In addition, they can be configured so that the customer can filter in the search list for these fields.
  • Selection and processing of product images
    The images should be created as a PNG file with a transparent background. This will fit into the white background in the search results as well as in the gray background in the detail view. In the search results, it is fitted to 160px * 160px, in the detail view to min. 500px * 200px. Your picture should therefore be at least a height of 200px. Larger images are automatically scaled and compressed by rentingforce for an optimal user experience. JPG images are of course also possible and for product images a usual format.
  • Use the inheritance hierarchy if properties are the same
    If information is identical for each rental object of an object group, store it in the object group. You do not have to re-upload images for each rental object and don't have to set descriptions or custom fields for each rental object. Descriptions and properties can be adapted again per rental object. Images are always displayed by the assigned object category, object group and the rental object itself.
  • Set the default data for booking length and start day
    In the online booking configuration, you can define some default values, such as the preselected rental period or the start day. So the user automatically gets some search results and can still customize his search in the next step. Avoid the customer being given reservation data for which search results can not be found.
  • Integration of a logo
    The logo entered in the settings is displayed in the progress bar in the booking process, thus preventing the media break between your website and the online booking. The logo should ideally fit well into the dimensions 200px * 68px and have a white / transparent background.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding the booking process.

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