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Show Article: Vouchers

Voucher codes can cover a variety of scenarios. So you can for example

  • Create Value vouchers for action traders
  • Create Discount vouchers for early booking discounts for existing customers
  • Crate Vouchers for newsletters

You can see all available vouchers at Prices> Vouchers. By default, only active vouchers are shown here (which have not yet been redeemed or expired). However, this can be adjusted with the corresponding filter.

When you create a voucher, a number of options are available.

  • Surname
    The name of a voucher is displayed to the customer when he or she redeems it. In addition, it should clearly define the voucher internally, ie for its employees.
  • Type
    A distinction can be made between the type of discount that a coupon adds. A distinction is made between a fixed discount (a fixed amount deducted from the booking price), a percentage discount or a catalog discount (see section discount)
  • Customer
    A voucher can be assigned to a specific customer, then it can only be redeemed for this and not for other customers.
  • Number of generated codes & Code
    By default, only one voucher is created whose code you can configure. If you disable the selection of "a custom code", you can also generate a certain number of codes. This is suitable, for example, for the sale of value-added coupons. Please note that a voucher is generated for each code, which otherwise takes over all the properties of a single voucher.
  • Count
    The Count field defines how often the code can be used as a whole.
  • Valid Until
    Here you can enter a period until the code can be redeemed.

Vouchers with catalog discount

Frequently, coupon codes are tied to more complex rules, which otherwise can be reflected in catalog discounts in rentingforce. With the coupon type "discount" you can use a coupon code to apply a catalog discount. For example, you can maintain all the rules for an early-bird discount (time validity, seasonal dependency, etc.) in the catalog discounts, and then create a voucher that authorizes this discount. For this, it is also necessary to make the availability of the discount available at "Provider my chose  / Voucher", otherwise the catalog discount is available to all customers.

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